lundi 31 décembre 2018

Battle of Britain incoming!

Here are the Brits and the Hun for blood red sky. Did magnet them too

what you mean I wanted them done this year? Yeaah!

Me109  grey car primer

A-Mig231 blue grey all over

A-Mig217 on top and wings and small wings

A-Mig233 camo on the slate green

Black canopy

AK2071 Brown and green camo Paneliner

GW Eshin grey propeler cone

black drybrush for exhaust fumes traces


grey car primer

A-Mig027 Medium brown dark earth all on the top (included below the tiny wings)

A-Mig915 Dark Green camo on brown

A-Mig243 Skype type S below the wings    / Duck green for Hurricane

AK2071 Brown and green camo Paneliner

GW Lorthern blue Canopy

White propeller cone and exausts

Orc reinforcements!

Here are the last bits in order to get me up to 1500 pts.

Namely the big boss! and one more killa kan,


lundi 12 novembre 2018

Here come the man in black

Et voilà un beau man in black avec son fusil euh... son fusil.

Mais donc, le voilà en 3D pour plateau de jeu, c'est mieux.
Ok, le rendu chrome est pas nickel. C'est parce qu'il n'est pas dans son élément (*)

Mais comment obtenir ce rendu sur le fusil, ôôôôôh maître ?
Et bien on part d'une sous-couche blanche
Wash de nuln oil pour travailler les creux
Sotek green partout, sauf au fond des creux.
A partir de là, on va travailler en éclaircissement depuis le haut, en bandes de plus en plus fines.
Sotek green + Lothern blue
Lothern blue
Lothern blue+blanc
Petites touches de blanc pur.
Et un coup de wash de sépia sur le dessous.

(*) : Cherchez bien pour comprendre la blague !

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Genf report.

Suite à la violente défaite occasionnée par les orks, le champion des exécutors, Luthor tête de chêvre (mais ne l'appelez pas comme ça en face, vous passeriez un sale quart d'heure), décidât d’éliminer le bosco ork, celui qui dirige ses attaques avec une telle férocité.
Après une progression dans les ruines de Genf, le contact fut établi et la bataille s’engageât. Les premiers orks tombèrent rapidement, pris au dépourvus par la soudaineté de l'attaque. Les hommes du chaos progressèrent vite et bien, fauchant les peaux vertes désorganisés au passage.
Luthor lui même parvint jusqu'à la position tenue par le bosco, mais les orks, devant le nombre de leurs pertes, plièrent bagage.
Les exécutors avaient repris du terrain sur les aliens, mais n'avaient pas atteint leur cible.

vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Terrain for the club

Hello Guys,

got a club starting up around here.... so we did get some free loot from a local shop to get us some terrain. And we were tasked with painting some of those GW terrains, here is my part:

thermal plasma regulator GW

Black undercoat

 Ledbleacher spray

hashut copper

overall agrax earthshade

focalised agrax earthshade

overall ironbreaker drybrush

maccrage blue on coil

sotek green drybrush on coil

coelia green shade on coil

temple guard blue drybrush on shiny lines for the coil

white scar drybrush on the shiny line for the coil



Black undecoat

Tin bits metal from Vallejo Game Color

Lead Bleacher drybrush GW

Iron Braker drybrush GW

Grey Version :

Black Undercoat

Plug the vent with bluetac

Mechanicus Standard Grey spray until nice even layer is there

remove bluetac

Apply Agrax Earthshade all over

GW Mechanicus Standard Grey Dry brush all over

GW Dawnstone dry brush all over

Lead Bleacher drybrush on vents

Black on skulls

GW Hashut copper on skulls

Apply Agrax Earthshade on skulls

Red Version:

Black Undercoat

2/3 light run of GW Mephiston Red spray can. be light on it so the recesses are still darker

Evil Sunz Scarlet Drybrush all over

Lead Bleacher drybrush on vents

GW Ushabti Bone on Skull

Apply Agrax Earthshade on skulls

More 1/600!

Hello Guys it's been a while!

However I haven't been all unproductive at all.

So here is the first completed project that was waiting for a snap for a good month or so

The French airplanes are there! Those are from Thumbling dice because I couldn't get any Ozdial Ozmi. But I really like them I must say

Mirage F1

White undercoat

Flames of war Khaki Grey 880 all over

Flames of war Leather Brown 871 camouflage

GW Administratum Grey for missiles

GW Lothern Blue for canopy

Abadon black for nose cone and reactor

Gloss Varnish

AK panel Liner Brown and Green Camo AK 2071

Anyway I did get an email the Ozdial Ozmi have been shipped so.... more F1 will arrive soon

dimanche 15 juillet 2018

Ivan can run but he can't hide....

Finally the basic british force is completed with the helicopter support!

They took way longer to be out than planned but here they are. Wanted first to do a shiny varnish on the canopy but I thought they looked good like that

 Black undercoat

white zenith

Chieftain green base

putty masking

worn rubber camo

 rotor + engine exaust: leadbleacher GW then nuln oil wash

big rotor tip FOW Deep yellow 915

tail rotor tip: base of Administratum grey base ; FOW 951 white ; FOW Flat Red 957 red strips

canopy : FOW Luftwaffe Uniform 816 + highlight FOW Sky Blue 961

gloss varnish

Decals from and Microscale Microsol

Gloss Varnish

pin wash  AK interactive Panel Liner  Brown and Green AK2071

Matt varnish (Ammo Mig jimenez though airbrush)

Weathering with Ammo Mig nature effects Kursk soil

You said those contacts were mig 21?!

Nope those are mig 29.... something more interesting to opose to my F15 and F16..... just the Mirage F1 to go and I could try out AWACS

Quick and easily done, but I am happy of the result

white undercoat

GW Administratum Grey

Camo Team Yankee Grenadier Green 349

Nose cone + Fin GW Eshin Grey

nosecone to canopy black

Reactors  Black + drybrush metal

Canopy Lothern blue

Gloss Varnish

pin wash AK interactive Panel Liner  GREY AND BLUE CAMOUFLAGE AK2072

tidy up with Enamel thinner

matt varnish

mardi 29 mai 2018

Ivan better watch out.... here are Her Majesty's tracks


So here are the finished Chieftains I did for Team Yankee.

This will be the start of the British force in the turmoil of WWIII.

Enjoy the pictures and look below for the Reference guide.


Black undercoat

white zenith

Chieftain green base (TY)

putty masking

worn rubber camo (TY)


Tracks   base vallejo  German Medium Camo Brown  826 + dash of Iraqui Sand 819     10/2

    track bits 862 Black Grey

Canon cover: comrad khaki (TY) , black wash, comrad khaki (TY) drybrush, dry dust ( Iraqui Sand 819) Dry brush

Overall again:

shiny varnish

spot wash with nuln oil (black wash)

matt varnish

Maverick Khaki drybrush all over (was done only on green in those minis would do all over after this experience)

Worn Rubber on machine gun

Nuln oil wash on machine gun

(would replace those two last step by black on machine gun then Worn rubber highlights)

Kursk soil nature effect from Ammo mig for dust. Works really well and no need to varnish on top (even tried to use their Enamel Odourless Thinner to rework it... it does not move. so if nothing happens with white spirit... sweaty fingers won't damage it)

Tank crew:
undercoar white

    Maverick Khaki
    Nuln oil wash
    Maverick Khaki (TY) highlights
    DPM Sand (TY)
    Leather brown (TY)

Beret    black base + worn rubber  highlights

Hair: 921 english uniform + devlan mud wash


skin in Beige Brown

Flat Flesh 955
highlight wiht Flat flesh + white

lundi 21 mai 2018

Post Salute Holiday results

Hello Everyone,

So yes..... the objectives were numerous and ambitious... so of course I failed.

But here are what have been painted from the week.

Those little Mig 21 (objective 4) just missed the matt varnish and did received the said coat the week after the Hobication.

Objective 2 the Chieftains did receive some gloss varnish and their pinwashes. Today half of them were matt varnished (airbrush clogged like hell after 2 full tanks, one turret and most of the 3rd hull so decided to just stop for now and have the airbrush cleaned up before continuing). They are just missing pigments and matt varnish to finish them (or try some of those mig jimenez products....)

And the big project was.... The bolt Action 300 pts British infantry army. Which started on Monday morning being in a box on sprue. And finished the Sunday evening nearly all done but the decals and bases.

So here are they! In all their britishness glory with the basing having been finished yesterday:

I will post all the steps and reference for them soon. (update of this post)

The orks had no luck as besides being taken in picture and be set as an objective nothing happened to them.

Same fate for the perry's travel battle set. Will really have to fix that as it could be a great game to play at the local pub while having a few. And this will show people that some of those games are possible around here.... we might get to know new players.

British paint timeline:
undercoat white

pre shading Nul Oil

Base Coat TPSC British Infantry Spray

Helmet FOW 924 Russian Uniform

    Hessian Strip Dark Sand 847
        US Dark Green 893
    helmet jugular FOW Khaki 988


FOW Khaki 988

boots cups stens  GW Abadon Black

Skin GW Bugman Glow

Rifles and Bren Stock: GW Mournfang Brown

Army Painter Strong Tone wash all over

FOW British Uniform 921 highlight on BDU

Cadian Fleshtone Highlight on skin

GW Kisleve Felsh highlight

FOW British Uniform 921 highlight+ Dark Sand 847  70/30 mix  on BDU

FOW Khaki 988 highlight on Webbing and helmet chinstrap + gaiters

    Hessian Strip Dark Sand 847 highlight
        US Dark Green 893 hi

FOW British Uniform 921 highlight+ Dark Sand 847  40/60 mix  on BDU

FOW Khaki 988  highlight+ Dark Sand 847  50/50 mix  on webbing and helmet chinstrap + gaiters

Metal FOW black 950  + FOW Metal 863 50/50 mix    on guns  and metal parts

lundi 16 avril 2018

Post Salute Wargame holiday!

G'day everyone!

Long time not posted.

So Salute was great, but as we are a lazy bunch no one entered the painting competition. I will post more about Salute later this week.

A few months ago I had an idea, what more motivating than a big wargaming event to get you back on track.

So I did put a week off work after Salute.

This week will be greatly dedicated to finish or advance on wargaming projects that might have been a bit stuck in the past few months.

So in order of priority here are the lucky winner project.

1) Get a 300 pts points Bolt Action army finished, and the lucky sods are.... the brits!

The goal is to start and finish this basic army. 

Long story short.
One Second Leutnant Regular
2 platoons of 8 Regular  rifleman with Bren gun
1 platoon of 5 Regular rifleman

300 pts is 22 guys 
That leaves 3 spare guys from the base infantry box.

2) Finish those damn Chieftains:

If I do not doing the lynx is going to be real tough.... maybe the plan will change along the line.

3) Ork reeinforcement for 1500 pts V8 army list.

Cause we restarted to play 40k and I am only a few minis away from having a 1500 pts force ready.

4) 1/600 Mig 21   6 of them

Preped those guys a few weeks ago but never got around to paint them. It'll be nice and quick but still a finished project. Might add more 1/600 if it goes well

5) The Perry Miniatures Travel battle.

I wanna do a basic paint job on those minis rather than leaving them red and blue. Silly me I forgot to get a spray of blue and red while at salute..... might check out my GW dealer later this week.